The Budget for 2019-20 of Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi's Government gives a clear vision for further improving the Ease of Doing Business by committing increased investment to projects relating to key infrastructure projects which would reduce the cost of transactions for India's exports, said EEPC India Chairman Mr Ravi Sehgal.
Be it roads, sea ports, airports, roads and railways under different flagship programmes like Sagarmala projects, they would all help reducing the time for the container movement right from the source of the shipment to the export destination, Mr Sehgal said. The capital expenditure of Rs 1.58 lakh crore for the Railways.
The EEPC India Chairman also lauded the interest subvention for the SMEs , up to two per cent. He said, while the exporters endorse and applaud the GST as the biggest tax reforms in the country, implementation machinery needs to be further pruned so that the exporting sector can fully take advantage of therationalization of GST rates. The infrastructure development must be done year after year , incrementally to make India's exports competitive, so that the export growth which had been slackening can revive sooner than later.
EEPC Indiahave also lauded a big initiative for technology upgradatation with the help of emerging artificial intelligence. The setting up of National program on Artificial Intelligence would be a big initiative forward.
EEPC India is already working on several technology related projects for upgradation.
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